I don't often use this blog to talk about other sites but this happens to be my new online portfolio site. I've been working on this for a while during my spare time between spending time with my family and working on my film. I like to always keep my portfolio up to date and the online one I had was getting rather old and didn't reflect the things I have been doing lately. I didn't even point people there much simply because this blog was more up to date than it was. But the problem with a blog is each time I put in a new up to date entry things scroll down. So I felt I needed a more permanent place to showcase my work. My old site had been done completely in Flash but I felt I wanted something a little more classy and accessible. So this time I used Dreamweaver with some Flash elements. I'm sure I will be tweaking it slightly to take care of mistakes but this is the most comprehensive display of my work I've ever put together online. Even at that it still was hard to pick and choose what to include and what to leave out. The nice thing is it includes a good variety of my work, not just animation. Although there is plenty of animation work there too, including the latest work reel of my film and my 2007 animation reel. So go and enjoy, there's plenty there to see at
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